Monday, December 21, 2009

We have come to the end of our four Christmas Conferences. This has been a true labor of love as we have helped transport, feed and house the entire mission, divided by their Mission Training Center dates. But what a joy! President and sister Toronto have been at the front in everything (and have encouraged us to advise the new Mission President NOT to do this next year!)and will surely rest well on christmas day.

Today marks our 41st wedding anniversary. I remember clearly our wedding date (not bad for kids aged 8 and 6!) and being told this would never last. Thankfully, Jan was wrong.

We have had the privalege of sharing the Gospel with a young man from Sri Lanka and will see where he goes from here. Our little Sigonella Branch is amazingly diverse in terms of countries represented: China, El Salvador, Slovakia, The Phillipines, Nigeria (visiting) Mexico and of course the US and Italy. Plus our friend from Sri Lanka.

It is a joy to serve...may you each have a most Merry Christmas.


  1. Really? The 21st! 41 years! Great! We are celebrating just today, the 22nd. Our 44th! We traveled to Lyon to take photos of missionaries at the second double-zone Christmas Conference (yesterday was the other) and in a couple hours we'll be at a neighboring ward's Christmas party--Elder Doyle as Santa to French and Spanish children! We love this life!

  2. We love your pictures and learning about your mission. Tell us more about the"transport, feed, and house the entire mission." What all did you do? We are hungry for info about you. Love you, Kroffs

  3. Happy Anniversary!!!! You crazy kids are still perfect for each other. I hope Jeff and I can be so cute together in 41 years.

  4. Congratulations on 41 years! I am so silly, this whole time I keep going to your bookmarked blog that looks like it has never been updated, finally Jane told me to click on the months on the side and now I am all caught up with your news! Glad you had a nice holiday!
